Weekly Recap #2

What happened in our class this week:

In Reading, we worked on what Readers of Fiction look like. Each day I modeled one of the steps to the whole class, and then students were given the opportunity to practice the same skill with their own book, recording their thoughts in their Reading Response journals.

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Writing: Students were introduced to the concept of personal narrative, especially focusing on the difference between a narrative that is like a journal entry or a narrative that is written to entertain. From a list of ideas students generated about some of their personal experiences, they began writing a personal narrative, which we will continue on Monday.

Math: In math this week, we really began diving into the curriculum. We discussed locating numbers on a number line, multiplying with zeros (which we will continue to do), and learning how to find multiples and factors. Today, they learned about doubling and halving numbers in multiplication problems to help them solve problems in other ways besides the traditional algorithm.

For example:

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Science: This week, we finished talking about Science safety and introduced soil. Kids were able to explore different types of soils today and document their observations in their science notebooks. We will continue exploring soil next week.

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Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Miss Palmer